The Unofficial Science of Home Alone
Naked Entertainment for Sky Max
Editor: Jonnie Case
Thurs 22nd Dec 8.30pm Sky Max

Comedians James Acaster, Guz Khan and Alex Brooker have all been obsessed with the 1990 comedy Home Alone ever since they were kids but there’s one big burning question that all fans including the Faction’s Katie M need answering; would Harry & Marv have survived those traps in real life?
Jonnie Case worked on this super fun programme which see’s Guz & James assisted by an engineer, build their own versions of some of the most memorable boobytraps from the film such as the ‘The Blowtorch to the Head’ and ‘The Swinging Paint Can’. Meanwhile Alex Brooker heads to the States to meet some of the cast and stuntmen involved in the film, visit some of its iconic locations and learn more about the traps and stunts that Guz and James will be attempting along the way.
Thursday 22nd Dec 8.30pm on Sky Max
It will also be repeated on
24th Dec 9.30am
25th Dec 1.30pm
26th Dec 7.30pm
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!