The Grierson Trust Awards: Shortlist Announced
We are super proud that several projects that our editors have worked on have been shortlisted in the Grierson Awards. The Griersons are the biggest event in the UK documentary calendar with the ceremony taking place in November.
A big congratulations to Charlie Hawryliw. Three amazing projects that he edited have made it on to the shortlist:
Massacre at Ballymurphey Awen Media for Channel 4 has been shortlisted in the ‘Best Historical Documentary category.
David Harewood: Psychosis and Me Films of Record for BBC Two has been shortlisted in the ‘Best Single Documentary’
The Choir: Our School By the Tower. Twenty Twenty Television for BBC Two has been shortlisted in the ‘Best Constructed Documentary Series’
Graham Taylor edited the wonderful Children of Snowland which has been shortlisted in the Best Cinema Documentary. Picture on the Wall Productions & Mayfly TV for General theatrical release.
Matt Lowe edited ‘Drowning In Plastic’ Raw TV for BBC One which has been shortlisted in the Best Natural History Documentary category.
Dom Lester edited ‘Australia : Earths Magical Kingdom‘ Oxford Scientific Films for BBC 2 which has been shortlisted in the Best Natural History Documentary category.
Congratulations to everyone shortlisted. See the full list here