The Choir: Our School by the Tower
Editor: Charlie Hawryliw

Well done to Charlie who edited last night’s first part of a two-part documentary The Choir: Our School by the Tower follows Gareth Malone as he works with students at Kensington Aldridge Academy, the school next to the site of the tower block blaze, in which five of its students died. Gareth helps students put on a very special show to mark the reopening of their refurbished school. The aim is to celebrate their pride in the community, their happy memories and the courage and resilience they have shown in the wake of a disaster. This is a big-hearted film, sensitively put together and was testament to its transformative, therapeutic power of these remarkable children.
Part 1 Edited by Charlie Hawryliw and can be watched on BBC iPlayer.
Part 2 will be on Monday 18th March 9pm BBC2