The Big Hospital Experiment
Blast Films for BBC2
11th September 9pm on BBC2
Editor: Simon Badger Cooper

The Big Hospital Experiment is a four part documentary which follows a group of 18-23 year olds from all walks of life as they volunteer at Royal Derby Hospital. Working in different wards across the hospital this will be a life-changing experience as they learn for themselves what life on the frontline of the NHS is really all about. Taking on some of the toughest jobs, the volunteers get a chance to perform real tasks across all departments and make a significant impact – from assisting the crash team in A&E to holding a cancer patient’s hand in their last moments of life, to bed-bathing dementia patients. Armed with determination and two weeks of training our volunteers join a brilliant team of doctors, nurses, porters, domestic staff, midwives, registrars and healthcare assistants. Guiding them through the intricacies of hospital life will be the senior nurses and matrons, mentoring our group through one of the toughest experience of their lives.
Badger who edited the second part said it was a “difficult project particularly because we were trying to show care and how untrained young people could make a difference, not complicated surgery or dramatic accidents. This was a very tricky idea and challenge to get across in a way that held the viewers attention, but I’m really happy with the finished programme and so pleased it’s getting such good reviews.
The series is getting excellent reviews. Episode 2 which was edited by Simon Badger Cooper will be on Wednesday 11th September 9pm on BBC2.