The People Vs The NHS: Who Gets The Drugs?

Wednesday 27 June



Editor Graham Taylor

Pulse Films in partnership with the Open University.

This documentary edited by Graham Taylor is the incredible story of the battle for PrEP on the NHS: a legal fight which saw doctors, activists and AIDS charities come together to overturn the NHS decision. It was the start of an emotive battle which would see the cost of the treatment publicly pitted against the cost of prosthetic limbs, blood cancer drugs and drugs for children with cystic fibrosis.

At the heart of the story is one man, Greg Owen, who helped stop thousands becoming HIV positive by setting up a website which allowed people to buy generic PrEP from drug manufacturers in India. Despite being homeless and without a wage, Greg found himself running Britain’s main gateway to PrEP from his mother’s kitchen in Belfast.

Part of the BBC’s NHS at 70 season marking the 70th anniversary of the NHS, this film explores the hugely complex decisions facing a cash-strapped health service in one of the most difficult periods in its history.

Graham said “it was an honour to work on such an important story and to have the chance to tell the story both for BBC and also in an additional feature length version (which is forthcoming), providing the chance to go deeper into a story that reveals much about contemporary social and political issues”.

The People Vs The NHS: Who Gets The Drugs? will be aired Wednesday 27 June 9pm BBC2.

Sheffield Documentary Festival 2018

Satu and Katie had a wonderful time as usual at the Sheffield Documentary Festival. Lots of interesting, powerful and hard-hitting films were screened as well as informative talks and an amazing array of Alternative Realities to experience.  Here are out top pics of films to look out for:

Three Identical Strangers:

We are slightly biased as Michael Harte edited this amazing documentary. However we weren’t the only ones who were excited to see it. Crowds of people turned up for the screening and had to be turned away so the festival had to put on another screening so people didnt miss out!

In 1980, three identical triplets, complete strangers raised in entirely different New York households, managed to discover each other, decades after they had been separated at birth. But behind the splashy headlines lurked a disturbing secret which called into question the very notion of who we are.

No Greater Law:

Katie watched this film about the Idaho Followers of Christ who don’t believe in any kind of medical intervention. The state currently permits them to practice faith healing instead. The local sheriff has witnessed too many children die, and he and ex-followers determined to change the law. It’s a slow paced film, and incredibly emotive- but a must see! Watch the Trailer: here 

Gun No 6

The screening for this was at 9am! Poor Katie had to get up early after partying into the early hours to see this one, and it was a brutal watch!  She doesn’t regret getting up though, and thoroughly recommends this film.

Changing hands over a decade, used in eleven shootings and three murders, this is the story of Britain’s deadliest illegal gun: Gun No. 6. The film explores why men pick up guns and the shockwaves that follow each shooting, for victims, police, communities and perpetrators.

For the Birds

A woman’s love for her pet ducks, chickens, geese, and turkeys—all 200 of them—ignites a battle with local animal rescuers and puts her marriage in jeopardy.

The story doesn’t sound that gripping, but Satu loved this documentary. The main character was utterly fascinating and it was beautifully crafted together.



The Ballymurphy Precedent

Dartmouth Films Presents an Awen Media Production of an Outsider Movie Company Film in Association with Channel 4

Director Callum Macrae

Editor Charlie Hawryliw

The Ballymurphy Precedent tells the unknown story death of eleven innocent people at the hands of the British Army in a Catholic estate in Belfast in 1971. This is a massacre that few have heard of, yet it was one of the most significant events in the Troubles. The British army continues to cover it up because they cannot afford to admit the truth. The relatives of those who died are fighting for justice – and our investigation shows why. This secret massacre led directly to the Bloody Sunday killings by the same Parachute regiment just five months later.

The World Premiere will be at Sheffield Doc Festival Monday 11th June and it will also be screened there on Tuesday 12th June.

Watch the trailer here.

Tessa Jowell: Her Last Campaign

Firecrest Films

Monday 4th June at 7.30pm on BBC1.

Edited by Ella Newton

Ella Newton edited this inspiring special edition of BBC Panorama. Filmed in April, eleven months after her diagnosis with a brain tumour , it followed Tessa Jowell as she used her last weeks to secure her key demands on cancer funding and access to more cancer treatments on the NHS. It includes her powerful appearance at the Houses of Parliament.

Monday 4th June at 7.30pm on BBC1.


Training Days with Jack Whitehall

Training Days with Jack Whitehall is now available on YouTube.

Launching  today, May 9th, Jack Whitehall: Training Days is the brand new unscripted comedy series that sees Jack Whitehall take some of the biggest names in football out of their comfort zones and into hilarious situations.

Watch the trailer here

Production Company: Fulwell 73

Director: Gabe Turner

Editor: Joe Swanson

Joe loved working on the series, he said “It was an incredibly exciting and challenging project to work on. YouTube’s first European Commission featuring some of the biggest names in the game, plus some Tottenham players. It was a hell of a lot of fun!”

Mercury 13 is now available on Netflix.

Paul Holland stepped in to fill the rather big shoes of editor David Fairhead who had a long history of working with the director David Sington, so the main challenge was to be sympathetic to their rhythm and style of cutting (which was quite different to his own) whilst trying to bring something new to the table. Paul feels the experience of each job is as important as the final film and in this instance could not have hoped to work with such a skilled and affable team, there were many nights were he actually forgot he had a family to get home to as he was enjoying himself so much!

Directed by: Heather Walsh and David Sington

Production Company: Fine Point Films in association with DOX Productions.

You can watch the trailer on YouTube here.

Rich Kids Go Skint

Kalel Productions

5 Star  9PM

Editors Gruff Lovrgreen and Gwyn Moxham

In this series, 6 rich kids ditch their fast cars, five-star hotels and endless shopping trips to go skint with families living on the breadline. During their stay, they’ll experience the shock of living below the poverty line, by helping to shop, feed, and babysit for families who can barely make ends meet. Sparks will fly and tears will fall as they face the most challenging time of their entire lives. Gwyn Moxham and Gruff Lovgreen both enjoyed working on this series. Gruff  said “It was a fun series to work on – it’s always interesting to see how people from completely different backgrounds get along and finding the balance between both sides was tricky at times, especially when you could see both sides of the arguments”. He edited Ep one which is on air Wednesday 18th April on 5 Star.

Dispatches: The True Cost of Green Energy

Monday 8-8.30pm

Channel 4

Editor:  Simon Cooper ( Badger)

Biomass will provide up to 30% of our renewable energy by 2020. But is burning wood instead of coal environmentally friendly? Edited by Simon Cooper , this Dispatches episode follows reporter Antony Barnett as he investigates a subsidised renewable energy industry that turns trees into fuel. He travels to the forestlands of the south-eastern United States to find one source of this controversial ‘carbon-neutral’ fuel, and the biodiverse wetlands of Virginia and North Carolina, where millions of tonnes of wood are harvested and processed into pellets, which are burnt in one of Britain’s largest power stations.

 Monday 16th April at 8pm.

Indian Summer School

Channel 4
Naked Entertainment

This documentary follows five working-class British boys who, having failed their core GCSEs, prepare to re-sit their exams at an Indian boarding school. The world-famous Doon School has an exam pass rate of 100 per cent and British head teacher Matthew Raggett believes he can transform the boys’ prospects in just six months.

Simon Cooper (Badger) and Mohsin Bhatti both worked on the series.

Badger said that “The major challenges on this show were the sheer quantity of rushes and the number of storylines to juggle. We also had some characters who were stronger than others so we had to make sure we were fair to the contributors. There were some very sensitive issues over bullying that were rewarding to cut and a wealth of beautiful images to dwell upon, something we were keen to not get lost in the rush to tell the story. Probably one of the most photogenic shows I’ve ever worked on”

Mohsin’s Episode will air on Thursday 12th April. He said “Without giving too much away, the final episode is about big achievements coupled with emotional turns. For us in the edit, one of the biggest challenge was that there was quite a lot of story arches to pack in! It was a real pleasure working with Ziyaad Desai (Producer) and Matt Pelly (Series Producer/Director), they made the experience even more enjoyable and I think it shows in the programme!”

The final episode is on Thursday 12th April at 9pm Channel 4 or you can catch up on other episodes here.


BAFTA Television Nominations Announced

Congratulations to all the nominees! A special well done to:

‘Old People’s Home for Four Year Olds’ nominated in the Reality and Constructed Factual category- Belle Borgeaud edited two episodes of this wonderful series.

‘Britain’s Got Talent’ nominated in the Entertainment Programme category- Tom Thurston Matthews worked on this popular series.

‘The Secret Life of The Zoo’ nominated in the Features category- Jen Hampson and Tanya Trochoulias worked on this observational documentary series.

“Crusing with Jane McDonald” also nominated in the Features category- Joe Swanson and Roy Williams worked on this high rating series.

The winners will be announced on Sunday 13th May!

Broadcast Digital Award Nominations

Congratulations to the 2024 Shortlist! We are proud to see lots of familiar names and projects in the shortlist. Congratulations to the 2024 Shortlist! We are proud to see lots of familiar names and projects in the shortlist. – Lockerbie: Mindhouse Productions for Sky Documentaries & NOW… Read More


Director: Sam Collins Exec Producers: David Gardner, Kerstin Emhoff, Nicola Howson & Scott Melvin Ventureland, Studio 99 and Buzz16 for Amazon Prime Lead Editor: Graham Taylor This compelling documentary tells the remarkable story of Manchester United’s unprecedented triumph in 1999, when the team made football history by clinching the… Read More

Miriam Death of a Reality Star

Editor: Charlie Hawryliw Exec Producer: Colin Barr. Expectation for Channel 4 Monday 29th April on Channel 4 Miriam: Death of a Reality Star is a hard-hitting documentary about Miriam Rivera, recognised as the world’s first transgender reality TV star. The documentary series chronicles the Mexican model’s groundbreaking… Read More

BAFTA Television Craft Awards: Nominations 2024

Photo: BAFTA. We’re bursting with excitement and pride here at Satusfaction as some familiar faces have worked their magic on shows that are making waves in the 2024 BAFTA Craft nominations! Let’s dive right into the lineup: Celebrity Race Across the World ( Studio Lambert / BBC One) has… Read More