All On The Line
Raw TV for Discovery Channel
Editors: Simon Holmes and Charlie Webb

All On The Line follows two boat crews in Gloucester, Massachusetts, who work through the winter to catch the valuable North Atlantic Bluefin Tuna.The “monster” fish can weigh more than 1,000 pounds, with prices reaching as high as US$20,000 for a single catch. With tight quotas to prevent overfishing and encourage sustainability, fishermen must reel in the biggest tuna as fast as possible — but each boat is allowed one catch per day, and must reel the fish in by hand.
Editor Simon Holmes cut Episode 1 and Charlie Webb did 10 days on the series too. Simon said “I love the challenge and creative possibilities of working on a new series. Cutting Ep1 of All On The Line was both an education and a joy. My hat however goes off to the two film crews who got their sea legs whilst shooting for 16hrs a day!
The series premieres Friday 22nd May on Discovery Channel.